Sept 17th 2019: MK Smart Joint Stock Company (MK Smart) and member companies of Corporations of Viet Nam Post Office (VNPost), including VNPost Express Joint Stock Company (EMS) and Vietnam Postal Media Joint Stock Company (Media Post) signed a cooperation agreement to provide “Direct Card Delivery Service” at the headquarters of VNPost.

pt 17th 2019: MK Smart Joint Stock Company (MK Smart) and member companies of Corporations of Viet Nam Post Office (VNPost), including VNPost Express Joint Stock Company (EMS) and Vietnam Postal Media Joint Stock Company (Media Post) signed a cooperation agreement to provide “Direct Card Delivery Service” at the headquarters of VNPost.

Using “customers will be issued a tracking number by MK Smart and the courier company, VNPost, in order to monitor the location and status of the card from the beginning of delivery by MKSmart until receipt by cardholders. Thanks to the coordination of VN Post, MK Smart can provide a complete service package from card production to direct delivery to cardholders.

Previously, after completing new card application procedures, cardholders always had to wait 7 to 10 days to return to the issuing branch to receive the card. Currently, with this new service, the card will be delivered to the location assigned by the cardholders.  Consequently, the service will improve customer experience while banks can track the progress of the delivery process. Direct Card Delivery Service enables card issuers a shorter go-to-market time,  save more costs and have more revenues than traditional ones.

With more than 20 years of experiences in the field of Secure Authentication and Smart Cards, MK Smart understands the wishes and needs of consumers as well as have a full suite of solutions to help card issuers build and launch successful and sustainable card issuing programs. Direct Card Delivery Service is expected to help card issuers remove barriers in applying modern payment methods, towards a cashless society and enhanced customer experience,” said Mr. Nguyen Quoc Bao, MK Smart Deputy General Director.


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