In Vietnam, finance, banking and insurance sectors wishing to use the largest cards for transactions, payments, account management ect.. Besides this, the requirements for security and personalization of invidual card in these fields are also high. With many years of experience in the research and development of solutions for cards, MK Smart is proud to be a pioneer, a leading smart card manufacturer in Vietnam. MK Smart is the only company in Vietnam has three international certificates of including SAS, VISA and MASTER CARD.
Financial products of MK Smart:
Smart Card (Chip Card): Chip card is a plastic card mounted with an integrated circuit (chip) that allows to meet the demand for data storage, data protection, as well as the need for complex calculations such as the encryption and the data identification, the security assurance and the integrity of transiting data.
Smart Card Personalization
Personalization is a key component in a successful smart card program.Personalization is the operation that transforms a generic card into an individually specific card that can be used in one or more applications. Personalization usually includes one or several types of personalization, each of which may be done in different stages.
The main types of personalization are:
Electrical personalization: loads application codes, user data and cryptographic keys within the chip.
Magnetic personalization: encodes the magnetic strip with user data.
Graphical personalization: the printing or embossing of text or pictures on the card and associated carrier product(s)
In addition, beside smart card personalization, the request for security of data as well as information for individual customer is utmost concerned by banks, financial institutions. Previously, most of the cards are used in the financial sectors, banks in Vietnam are applied security technology using magnetic, also known as magnetic cards. The prestigious institutions around the world have warned the countries about the need to switch magnetic card with low security to EMV card with much higher security.
Invoices – Forms: The demand for using invoices and forms is large on the Vietnam market. MK Smart is not only the leading card manufacturer as well as provide smart card solutions but also produce invoices and forms as value added services.